Sunday, January 26, 2014

Let's Hate Mosquitos



   "Hate mosquitos? Why, I would never!" you say, offended by even the suggestion that the lovely little blood sucking insects are in any way negative. "I love itching my arms like a meth head, not to mention the beauty in the high pitched whine I hear as they attempt to lay eggs in my ear! "I pause for a moment and consider what you have said, my own argument crumbling before your undeniable logic. I begin to make my statement, but you hit me with another rapid fire retort: "And don't you just love slapping one of them and bursting the warm bacteria infested blood of others on yourself and your new wound?" "Of course I do!" I chime in, forgetting that I was going to write about the Chikungunya Virus, a mosquito-based outbreak that has just hit the United States, and causes crippling joint pain (if you don't die) that can last for years....

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