Thursday, February 26, 2015

Let's Hate MIRV Missiles

   I know what you're thinking. 8 assholes are trying to beam some hapless pilot with their laser pointers all at the same time. While I don't blame you (after all, that is my exact explanation for the disappearance of MH 370) you are not correct. These are actually harmless little metal capsules that have come down from space as viewed from a long-exposure camera. Kinda pretty isn't it? It is. Do you know what would make it even prettier? That's right, simultaneous thermonuclear airbursts searing your flesh from your bones as your eyes boil out of your head. I'm all for the apocalypse, but I seriously have to hand it to whomever came up with the idea of strapping a ton of nuke warheads onto one rocket, you know, because if you only use one nuclear weapon, then who the hell is supposed to nuke the shadow of your enemy that you just burnt into the ground of a radioactive hellscape.

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