Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Let's Hate Crybaby Shitbags (like Ellen Pao)

HEY PAO, FUCK YOU! When you're a narcissist deluded with your own reality, you're always going to be a the victim. It's crazy, but some people are just like that. No matter what happens. No goddamned matter what fucking happens. Like if you were to say, sleep with another partner of a multi-billion dollar company. Who is married. And then perform shitty work, get into fights with other employees and eventually get fired for being such a shithead. To your crazy ass, the real underlying problem is that you're a female and they just hate you for that. Despite them employing thousands of women with no other problems. In this situation you're only logical recourse is to of course sue for over a BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS. And when the courts say your crazy and you lose, to desperately try and appeal it while saying "it's not about the money". But no. Nooo. She doesn't stop pissing me off there. Instead of living in a box behind a City Wok in NYC she's been taken in by the one of two* places that actually likes breeding this kind of immature, pathetic behavior and is now making the big bucks again at le Reddit xD. HEY PAO, FUCK YOU!

*The other one is Tumblr**, duh.

** #problematicproblems

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