Saturday, May 30, 2015

Let's Hate Anime Weirding Up Awesome Stories

Alright guess what these 3 plots have in common: 1: Thousands of people log in to a virtual reality server for a new MMORPG and get trapped in it, if they die in the game they die in real life, and the only way to get out is by winning the game. 2: A portal from our modern world into a Tolkein-esque fantasy realm opens up, and in minutes you have tanks blowing dragons out of the sky. 3: A pilot from a hyper-advanced human civilization crash lands on water world Earth, whose inhabitants were left behind centuries ago during an exodus to the stars. He proceeds to start fucking shit up with his future robot suit. Give up? All three of these have been A: daydreams of nerds everywhere and B: Anime series. Which wold be fantastic, if it weren't for the fact that everything coming out of Japan now is weird-ass pedosexual shit. Stuff like Jin-Roh, Akira and Cowboy Bebop were great in their time, but holy fuck this stuff has gone way off the rails now. Incest, tentacles, and basketball sized tits are now taking the place of cool fucking stories I want to watch. If they don't wise up and fix this soon western developers will just keep stealing their shit like they did with Edge of Tomorrow. All I'm asking is keep the creative, original stories but stop adding in a fucking 12 year old girl in booty shorts humping her brother or a protagonist raping a fish. Actually, now that I'm actually writing this out, I'm thinking I'm the minority. This is what people want so that's why it's being added in to all these shows. Fuck, alright, it's up to me then. Now I just need to fix up the Enola Gay and I'll go settle this the American way.

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