Thursday, May 21, 2015

Let's Hate Humidity

Boy do I love to swim. Especially when it's hot out! Splashing into water with high heat and the sun beating down on me is great. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this, or else I wouldn't be squished between people like a hairy, spicy Indian man and a 12 year old latina girl half drowning/half kicking me in the balls as we enjoy the local water park. Interestingly enough, the fun of this doesn't stem from the simple combination of water and heat, as high humidity with high heat is without a doubt the most swamp ass-inducing climate that exists on Earth. You know how when two sumo wrestlers slam their fat behemoth bodies into each other at a start of a uhh... sumo game? That's how my legs feel and look while walking around and running in high humidity. Wet. Wet everywhere. My arm hair looks like dew glistening on morning grass and my body hair smells like dew glistening on some morning ass. For fuck's sake, some places I've been are so humid I take a shower on sunday and don't dry off until saturday night. And since I only shower once I week we can narrow down the culprit pretty easily.

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