Sunday, May 17, 2015

Let's Hate People Not Bending the Knee

Some people just don't understand. They live their lives aimlessly, turning to vices like drugs and booze and not living their lives to their fullest. They have no motivation, no pride, no heart. Some men. But not this man. Not Stannis. The one true king, Stannis Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. He is not some man. He is Azor Ahai reborn, the lord of light and wielder of lightbringer, burner of heretics and conquerer of Westeros. This is a public reminder that if you have not bent your knee in fealty to our Lord Stannis, please do so now and spare you and your family the fate of feeding R'hllor, who always hungers. And to you USURPER FUCKING SHITS, he's coming for you whether your a Blackfyre bastard, R+L=fag, or just some dumb bitch dragon queen, you're all gonna burn.

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