Thursday, May 28, 2015

Let's Hate Basic Income

You know what welfare is? You know, the system of public aid that began as a way to stop families from starving to death during the great depression and has evolved into making sure inner city stoop dwellers can buy the newest iphone without getting a job? Well, hip young kids that certainly aren't naive/arrogant about the realities of our world have just finished up their philosophy 101 class and are now rallying behind the idea of a basic income. Simply put, the idea calls for money to be distributed amongst the population to insure we all have money as more and more jobs become automated. While wannabe marxists are on social media shilling post-scarcity bullshit, the rest of the world is chugging along. While not working and eating burgers all day would be nice, the idea that technology is going to turn the human workforce obsolete is just this generation's Y2K. Humans are such narcissistic assholes that every generation thinks theirs is the most important, that they are undergoing a pivotal time and dramatic shift in human history. Nope. Sorry guys. I mean hell, we are still waiting for a nuclear war, I mean, we've been prepping for one for what? 70 something fucking years now? So stop talking about the goddamned singularity and go back to making my chocolate frappe, you zit faced, Che shirt-wearing, Karl Marx-reading redditor. 

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