Sunday, May 24, 2015

Let's Hate Muscle Powder

MAD GAINS BOI. Gotta get those gains bro. Aight nigga this is how you get swole*. Step One: spend at least $60 on some sort of muscle powder (make sure it has a dank ass name like C4 or Nos). Step 2: Buy some pills and shit, don't worry about what's actually inside of them, just buy the biggest fucking logs of gel you can get your meaty hands on. Eat them constantly. Step 3: Buy Muscle Milk and mix in your extra powder (double your powder=double your gains) and to drink down those horse pills you've bought. Step 4: Buy a calendar and title each day "leg day", "cheat day", etc. Step 5: Go to the gym in a sleeveless shirt with torn sides and big sun glasses. Make sure your routine is at least 40% you taking selfies of yourself to let everyone know that you're at the gym. But don't forget, make sure you add a humbling comment like "looks like my hard work is finally paying off" or "leg day lol my legs are so sore :^D".

*Not exactly sure what that means

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