Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Let's Hate Zombie Pop Culture

You wanna know something scarier than zombies? Living human beings. You know, the things that use guns and knives and like to rape and kill each other? Besides the fact that even the most rudimentary understanding of biology discards the potential for zombies, idiots love to buy shit to help them "prepare" for the day zombies roam the streets. These nerfgun-toting badasses spend so much time thinking about their zombie strategies when they'd benefit from something more realistic like, oh I don't know, how about a "black guy gets killed by cops and my white ass is still downtown when the riots hit" strategy, or even just an "I just cooked microwave noodles and am all out of forks" plan. Be realistic, that's all I'm asking. Fucking Max Brooks. Your stupid zombie books sold like hot cakes while my ebonics to english dictionary got me thrown out of Penguin House. Bastard.

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